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Pricing Information

Size Price Burn Time (Hours)
Air Freshener $4.95 0
Bath Salt $20.00 0
Body and Home $14.00 0
Body and Home Laundry Wash $36.00 0
Bug Box $18.00 4
Candle Tart $19.40 75
Jar Candle $67.00 215
Jar Candle $35.00 110
Jar Candle $28.00 85
Jar Candle $21.00 40
Margarita (Margarita Shaped Glass) $70.40 240
Mini E Tarts $8.60 10
Room Spray $16.00 0
Tart Sample Box $21.90 80
Travel Tin $9.00 20
Ultimate Skateboard Wax $9.00 0
Fragrance Type Quantity
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